BBN Weathering steel
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Process optimization and upgrading of weathering steel SPA-H

Process optimization and upgrading of weathering steel SPA-H

More than 90% of the world's containers are produced in China. In the past two years, there has been a significant increase in the import and export of containers. Hot-rolled weathering steel for container production has a good market. The main weatherin

Properties and uses of 42CrMo4 steel

Properties and uses of 42CrMo4 steel

42CrMo4 steel is the main material for manufacturing wind power fasteners, and its mechanical properties can be significantly improved by conditioning treatment. At present, the commonly used tempering heating equipment for wind power fasteners includes t

CCS B marine steel plate laser welding speed

CCS B marine steel plate laser welding speed

Laser welding has fast welding speed and low heat input rate, so that the heat-affected zone and deformation of CCS B marine steel plate are small. In foreign countries, laser welding technology has been successfully applied in industrial fields such as a

Rolling and heat treatment process of SM490YB test steel plate

Rolling and heat treatment process of SM490YB test steel plate

For the SM490YB test steel plate, in order to obtain uniform and fine ferrite and pearlite structure and appropriate hardness, and to obtain the required properties, the continuous cooling rate after normalizing should be controlled at 0.3-1.0 ℃/s.

Performance of SM490YB steel plate under normalizing condition

Performance of SM490YB steel plate under normalizing condition

For SM490YB steel plate, the normal structure is ferritic + pearlite, As the normalizing temperature increases from 900℃ to 940℃, the yield strength and tensile strength of SM490YB steel sheet decrease from 358 ~367 MPa to 334 ~340MPa, and the tensile str

Technical Difficulties and Chemical Composition of SM490YB Steel Plate

Technical Difficulties and Chemical Composition of SM490YB Steel Plate

Technical Difficulties For the SM490YB steel plate, the normalizing treatment not only refines and uniforms the structure, but also eliminates a large number of dislocations generated during the rolling process, and the decrease in the dislocation density

Equivalent material and performance of ST44-2 steel plate

Equivalent material and performance of ST44-2 steel plate

ST44-2 steel plate is a German standard, and the corresponding Chinese GB standard is Q255A or Q255B material. ST44-2 steel plate belongs to carbon structural steel, which has quite high strength and good welding performance. It can be used to manufacture

St37-2 steel to DIN 17100 standard

St37-2 steel to DIN 17100 standard

St37-2 is a mild steel with carbon content of 0.20%, which is used in construction and underground engineering.
St37-2 steel (1.0037 material) is a non-alloy structural steel conforming to DIN 17100:1980. According to the German standard DIN 17100, St37

A709 grade50 Welding structural steel chemical composition

A709 grade50 Welding structural steel chemical composition

A709 is an important welded structural steel used in the manufacture of lines, equipment, vessels, etc., that operate under large impact loads. The chromium content of the steel is less than 0.2%, the carbon content is less than 0.15%, the manganese conte

Test method for A588 weathering steel mechanical and technological properties

Test method for A588 weathering steel mechanical and technological properties

A588 weathering steel should be uniformly heated in the furnace when normalizing. When the temperature in the furnace is 1250~1500 degrees Celsius, it should be insulated for 1 hour, and then slowly cooled to below 800C. When normalizing, tempering temper

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